Blindspot is an American crime drama television series created by Martin Gero, starring Sullivan Stapleton and Jaimie Alexander. The series was ordered by NBC on May 1, 2015, and premiered on September 21, 2015. A back nine order was given on October 9, 2015, bringing the first season to a total of 22 episodes, plus an additional episode bringing the order to 23 episodes. On November 9, 2015, NBC renewed Blindspot for a second season. The season is set to premiere on September 14, 2016.
Coming out of the first season, the Mayfair and Taylor Shaw chapters closed after their confirmed deaths. Jane (Jaimie Alexander) kills her ex-boyfriend Oscar (François Arnaud) during a fight, but not before he tells her that a person named Shepherd has been pulling the strings all this time. Shepherd’s first phase ended with getting rid of Mayfair and getting Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) promoted to FBI assistant director. And the second phase was just starting. In the end, Weller arrested Jane.
Here are 10 more things to expect on season two:
1. The action scenes and stunts will be bigger
“You learn as producers of a show what you’re capable of and what you’re not capable of and we really learned how to do action in a much more efficient way than we did at the beginning of the year,” Gero said. “So I think you’ll see in season two, we have this phenomenal motorbike chase that we never would have been able to figure out how to do if it hadn’t been for season one. So it’s like you’ll see a real uptick in the production value of the show. This year is outrageous and amazing.”
2. The show’s new earlier time slot means it will be lighter, less violent.
As a side effect of its move to the 8 p.m. time slot for its second season, the show will be letting go of some of its darker tones.
“We’re not going to shoot anyone in the head anymore. So right off the bat, no more head shots on ‘Blindspot,’” Gero joked during the Television Critics Association press tour this summer.
He then continued, “Obviously, we’re toning back some of the violence. I don’t think the show will be unrecognizable for people that love the show at 10 p.m. And the reality is, people watch it at all hours of the day now… But one of the things we have found toward the end of the first season, something we’re really leaning into, is the sense of fun and a little bit more lightness so the show isn’t all doom and gloom. There are those moments of humor and those lighter character moments that I think we did really well with last season.”
3. You won’t have to wait long to meet Shepherd.
Siapa acara baru Big Bad, orang yang telah menjadi arsitek dari segala sesuatu yang telah terjadi sejauh ini? Fans akan mendapatkan jawaban yang sangat cepat pada musim kedua.
"Anda akan bertemu Shepherd hampir segera," janji Gero.
4. But really, it’s what Shepherd has to tell Jane that will blow viewers’ minds.
The producers are going for a clean slate for season two, so the mystery of Jane Doe will become clear soon after meeting Shepherd.
“Not only are you going to find out Jane’s first name in the first episode, you’re going to find out what Orion is… what’s the plan of this organization, who Jane really is outside of her name,” Gero said during the “Blindspot” panel at summer TCA.
“If the first season was about who is Jane Doe,” he continued, “we want to answer those questions so we can move into what the second season is about, which I can’t really tell you because it is a spoiler if I say what the theme is. We want to really reward the people that stuck with us all last season.”
5. Nas Kamal joins the team.
Former “Good Wife” star Archie Panjabi is a new series regular on “Blindspot.” She’ll play Nas Kamal, the head of a secret division of the NSA that has been tracking the Jane Doe case from afar.
“She is tough. She is tenacious. She is wild. She’s unpredictable,” Panjabi said of her new character during TCA.
“We’re so excited about bringing Archie in, because you know Archie is a huge TV star,” Gero said. “She’s going to bring in a new audience for us.”
6. Meet Roman, someone from Jane’s past.
“Luke Mitchell’s playing this character named Roman,” Gero told us. “That’s a character that she’s known for a very long time it turns out. He’ll be able to fill in a lot of her past. For us, now that the Taylor Shaw thing’s out of the way, there’s no harm in telling her who she is. We don’t have to hold anything back. Here’s who you are. Here’s where you were born. This is what happened. There’s no mystery about who she is. And that I hope it’s going to be very satisifying for our fans.”
7. Rich Dotcom returns.
Gord Enver aka Rich Dotcom (Ennis Esmer), the world’s most infamous art thief, was a clear hit with fans on season one.
“There’s so much love for that character,” Gero said. “Obviously it lines up, we clearly love Rich Dotcom and Ennis Esmer. When you see it really hit with the audience, we’re like ‘Oh, great! That’s a new direction the show can go in. We can really take it there.’”
So, yes, he’s back for season two for at least episode seven, though the producers are hoping for more.
8. Move over Patterson, it’s time Reed, Zapata, and Borden get some of the limelight.
Setelah mendapat perkenalan keluar dari jalan pada musim pertama, Gero mengatakan kepada kami bahwa acara akan fokus pada latar belakang dan hubungan selama lebih dari karakter.
"Kami menceritakan kisah-kisah yang lebih besar untuk karakter kami dan lebih dari mereka," kata Gero. "Salah satu hal yang saya pikir benar-benar menarik adalah berapa banyak waktu layar Patterson mendapat tahun lalu. Orang yang suka Patterson. Tapi sekarang karena kami sedang membangun musim ini, kami ingin memberikan ruang untuk Reed dan Zapata dan Borden bahkan untuk benar-benar bersinar karena mereka pemain yang luar biasa di kanan mereka sendiri. "
9. Jane’s tattoos still hold plenty of secrets.
With all this talk of a clean slate, does that mean the whole tattoo thing is done? Gero says no.
“Although the first episode [of season two] is heavily mythology-based and catches people up a little bit, we will nestle back into a tattoo case of the week,” Gero explained. “I think the show does best when it has that balance of great mythology and great procedural action.”
10. You should still pay special attention to the episode titles.
The show really had fun with the titles last season, with some leading to anagrams and puzzles, others leading to a secret phone number, Twitter account, and then prizes. Expect some of that again during the second season.
“Yes, we are going to do something cool with the titles,” Gero said. “It’s fun to work on a show that has a magic and puzzle consultant on it. We are still trying to figure out something really cool to do with the titles this year.”
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