A US presidential candidates must go through a long process before being officially nominated by his party as its presidential candidate for the presidential election this time took place on November 8, 2016.
The first stage that must be passed is the consultation process by including a series of debates, as do the Republic throughout the second half of 2015 ago.
After passing through the stage of the poll, the presidential candidates enter the decisive stage, the primaries in several states using patterns caucus.
The first primary held in the Iowa caucuses on February 1, 2016, followed by the New Hampshire primary on February 9, the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses on February 20th (the Democratic Nevada caucuses held on February 23).
After primaries and caucuses in four states, will enter the stage of the selection key schedule called "Super Tuesday" or "Super Tuesday" on March 1. Why is it called super? Because on the day of the 12 states and one territory simultaneously hold primaries.
Total voice Democrat delegation is 4763, while the 2472 Republic. However, a candidate garnered enough Democratic delegates to 2,382 voice and 1,237 delegation to the Republic, to be declared as a presidential candidate.
The following important terms in the United States presidential election, (sourced from USEELECTION.COM, CBSNEWS.COM, and AFP):
PRIMARY: is a state-level elections in which party members choose a candidate from the party. Party candidates are chosen in primaries and then fight each other in the election. The pattern of primaries held in 37 states. Primary is held by the state government.
CAUCUS: caucus is a local meeting in which registered members of a political party in the city and county level convened to elect a candidate of his party. Caucus is usually used in conjunction with state-level convention to elect delegates to the national convention of presidential candidates. Caucus is the oldest method of selecting delegates in the US who was originally from the British colonies before the American Revolution. Pattern Caucus held in 13 states and two territories in which Iowa became the first state and the most important in holding caucuses.
DELEGATE AND SUPERDELAGATE: Delegate or delegation is a regular member of an active and loyal party elected as convention delegates presidential candidate. While superdelegate is a member of the convention delegates coming from elected officials (governors, congressmen, senators) and party officials (the head of the DPD I / II party). Usually superdelegate has power greater voice. Each state has a quota of different delegations. The number of Republican and Democratic delegates are also different, depending on the policy of his party. For example, in Iowa Republican candidates compete for 30 delegate, otherwise Democrats fight over 52 delegate. Total voice Democrat delegation is 4763, while the 2472 Republic. However, a candidate quite get 2,382 delegates to the Democrats, and 1,237 delegation to the Republic, to be declared as a presidential candidate.
SUPER TUESDAY: Super tuesday is the biggest day in the spring primaries (primary) which was held simultaneously in 13 states and one territory, namely Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming, and the territory of American Samoa. On Super Tuesday, the Republican candidates will compete for 661 delegates, while the Democratic candidates compete for 865 delegates. Here, a candidate is deemed to have won the state since winning a majority (winner takes all), but proportionally. Super Tuesday was first held in 1988 for the consolidation of voters and organizing campaigns. How important Super Tuesday? Usually a barometer of whether a candidate becomes the strongest candidate and then an indication of the party's presidential candidate, otherwise candidates muddy sound will face the reality that must be removed from the nomination.
AFTER SUPER TUESDAY: When else caucuses and primary elections are held after the Super Tuesday and anywhere? On Saturday, March 5 The Democrats will vote in caucuses and primaries Kansas Nebraska, followed the next day in primary Maine, as well as Puerto Rico. On the same day March 5, the Republic held a primary election in Louisiana, Kentucky and Maine. After that from March 8 until last June 14, primaries and caucuses held in the state-states and other US territories, with the last special regional capital of Washington D.C.
After passing the primary elections (primaries and caucuses), the presidential candidates will go to the level of the convention. Rail is a great gathering parties to select candidates from the party and the party platform, but generally exploits a presidential nominating convention; Democratic National Convention and Republican National Convention. Since the 1952 convention is usually held in July, August or early September, but since 2008 the time is advanced earlier after the Summer Olympics.
Convention attendees were delegates (delegate and superdelegate) were selected proportionally according to the state and the population of the state. So the number of delegates large populous states like California will not be the same as the number of delegates populous state as small as the state of Rhode Island. At this convention formally selecting the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. The Convention also usually adopt the principles and objectives of the party, which is commonly called the platform. Once the convention ended with the declaration of presidential candidate, then start the process of US Presidential Election. In this election, the Democratic National Convention was held from July 25 until July 28, 2016, while the Republican National Convention took place on July 18 to July 21, 2016.
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