One local government isn't wasting any time in addressing Ohio's new medical marijuana law. While Trumbull County Commissioners themselves may approve of the use of marijuana for medical purposes, based on the current laws, the commissioners say the county must maintain it's current drug and alcohol policies as recommended by the County Risk Sharing Association and the County Commissioners Association. I guess if medical marijuana is legal then the American people will stop to secretly again for marijuana . American society can go to Ohio to just try or actually perform the treatment of the illness.
That means county workers will continue to NOT be permitted to use marijuana in any form. But I think because of the pleasures perhaps the workers would smoke marijuana at any time. Who the hell can refrain from smoking marijuana?
State Representative, john Boccieri, says "I think that some of the rules that were written, with respect to the state legislature, that if you are in possession of this medical marijuana, you can still be arrested. If you test positive at work you can still be fired and there's no way to legally get it if you cross state lines so that remains a big problem."
This law will really hurt us. I think we all need it not just for fun . but to freshen up . I know this is not true , but if the user without rules may be many lazy people in America. The new law would not permit smoking marijuana. So far it only allows edibles, patches, oil and the vaporizing of it.
Is this enough?
I think everyone needs this treatment. Smoke regularly, stop drinking alcohol, exercise regularly and back to work in the office. So what's the point you're working? If not to take the time for a little bit of fun?
We all know Possession, cultivation and consumption of cannabis or marijuana (cannabis ) is considered illegal in many countries . In fact , this plant has been used in medicine for thousands of years.
Marijuana is considered a herbal plant by the physician at the time of the ancestors . This plant is considered as a potential treatment for pain to anxiety .
We also know In most US states legalizing prescription marijuana accounted for nearly 90 percent admitted using their illnesses disorders reduced. If seen from a long history of use in medicine , chances are they 're right.
still growing , cannabis ! :)
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