Habits can be interpreted as a daily routine that is undertaken by a person since his childhood to become an adult. This habit is difficult to remove, because we present ourselves is something we receive continuously from an environment until we mature.
Before we know it's a habit have built our mindset to be good or bad, even this habit can also determine whether we will be rich or poor.
As good as any school, however high his title will not determine the fate of a person. Examples for example if you are a Cumlaud, the best graduates UGM but you have a very bad habit, you will surely be difficult to be successful. Conversely even though you are not educated, but has a very good habit fate could certainly become a very successful future.
Here is a habit that can make you a rich man.
1. Build a Dream and The Purpose of Life
Whatever happens to us today, do not ever make us into someone who is desperate to be what we dreamed of. Keep bermemimpi for something from now. Building a big company in Indonesia. Buy a luxury car, marry the woman or man you desire. Anything can happen if we still want to dream to get it.
Record in your heart deeply, try as hard as possible, pray and then we just wait patiently until finally what we all aspire to materialize. The purpose of life is important, you can write much as possible what you want on your bedroom wall. Then blessed, because someday these ideals will be achieved soon.
Let's work together to make our dreams each. If there is a first successful, you should tell me and I'll share it with others.
2. Avoid Enjoyment moment Unhealthy
You have to know few candidates poor people are overweight because of too often dissipate and lazing. Avoid laziness, exercise and choose healthy foods and beverages.
Stop smoking, stay away from liquor and never go to nightclubs to get enough sleep. Save your money for future capital savings. Dispose of prestige for the sake of your success in the future. Limit your daily calorie consumption should not be excessive. Avoid Junk Food also.
3. Stay away from entertainment, Change by Learning
A person with poor mental usually often spend many hours and hours to find entertainment on the Internet. Such as watching videos, playing games and showing off in social media. Unlike the rich person who has a mental illness, they are better able to utilize the Internet for productive outcomes. For example, reading information, learning, making videos and writing articles for distribution through blogs. Or if you have more time better to use for a brief rest. If you want to be a rich person might start now you should have a hobby of reading.
4. Socialize Wherever You Are
Socialization is important, to maintain good relations with neighbors, community, school friends and even the boss would make us a person who has wide connections. This socialization will help us get a job, business friends and maybe even life companion, beautiful is not it?
5. Build Optimism and Control Emotions
Journey in life is of course not possible as smooth as a baby's. You'll pass a lot of obstacles are steep and all will be in vain if you despair, Remain optimistic, all of which began today we woke up whatever it was bitter enough, we too will enjoy success. Many wealthy people are past so bloody before to success it is today.
One more thing that is important is the emotional control. Only successful people who are able to be patient to hold his temper. Bitter enough people talk about hard work, be patient, stay awake optimism about what you can dream of. Then when success later, you accidentally buy their mouths all.
6. Familiarize Yourself For charity (Bonus)
You should know one thing about the charity that makes you become very rich. Whatever it is well on the property, services or knowledge. "Those who give alms, both men and women, and lend to Allah a good loan, will undoubtedly were doubled (reward) to them; and for them the reward that much. "(Qs. Al Hadid: 18)
God cheapen sustenance for the servants who want charity. Cultivate the habit of sharing with others, God willing, will always come to you sustenance. A rich man never actually counted from the treasure we have. But of whether or not we want to sincerely share.
Let us share all our good form from now on. make good habits so that we can be successful in this world and in the hereafter.
Salam blogger.
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